Senior Cloud Infrastructure Engineer and DevOps enthusiast

Find status of an Office 365 sub-license with PowerShell

You may find you need to check the status of an Office 365 sub-license (“service plan” in MS parlance) for a user account, or list of user accounts.

Recently I had to do this for the phone system sublicense. This has the shortcode “MCOEV”.

You can find a list of other shortcodes at:

Note: You will need to amend the domain, AccountSkuID and the sub-license (serviceplan.servicename) to match your environment and requirements.

The script is:

$user =

# Create a list of licenses assigned to the user
$licenses = (Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $user).Licenses

# Create a list of sub-licenses contained within a particular AccountSkuID
$servicestatus = $licenses[[array]::IndexOf($licenses.AccountSkuID,'domain:ENTERPRISEPREMIUM')].serviceStatus

# Return the value of the item with the index matching
write-host $user ": MCOEV status is" $servicestatus[[array]::IndexOf($Servicestatus.serviceplan.servicename,'MCOEV')].provisioningstatus

This works because we first cast the list of licenses (AccountSkuIDs), and then the list of sub-licenses (“service plans”) into arrays and then search the arrays for the indexes of the items which match our requested strings - ‘domain:ENTERPRISEPREMIUM’ and ‘MCOEV’.

You can find your domain:AccountSkuID with:
